Welcome to
FRM 2025

Dear Colleagues, 

On behalf of the Norwegian Neuroscience Society (NNS) and Nordic Neuroscience, it is with great pleasure that we invite you to FENS Regional Meeting 2025 (FRM 2025), taking place June 16-19, 2025, in Oslo, Norway.   

The NNS and Nordic Neuroscience are dedicated to advancing neuroscience across national and regional landscapes by convening a remarkable meeting that showcases cutting-edge discoveries and the rich diversities within the field. We are organising an engaging and varied scientific agenda in collaboration with the Nordic Neuroscience Societies: the Swedish Society for Neuroscience (SSFN), Danish Society for Neuroscience (DSFN), Brain Research Society of Finland (BRSF), and Icelandic Neuroscience Society (ISFN). The FRM 2025 promises to unite international delegates from across the globe to exchange their latest findings and technological advancements.  

We warmly welcome you to join us for a rich array of special interest events, social gatherings, and outreach activities designed for the general public. The meeting will take place in the stunning backdrop of Oslo’s tranquil fjords and verdant forests. The dynamic city of Oslo seamlessly blends the beauty of nature, innovative architecture, cultural richness, and pioneering scientific exploration, creating an inspiring atmosphere for all participants.  

We look forward to seeing you in Oslo! 

Ioanna Sandvig 

Chair FRM 2025 Organizing Committee 
President, Norwegian Neuroscience Society 


Marianne Fyhn 

Co-chair FRM 2025 Organizing Committee 
Secretary General, Norwegian Neuroscience Society 


Klas Kullander 

Chair Nordic Neuroscience 
President, Swedish Society for Neuroscience